Module 5 – Heaven on Earth: Chakras and Meridians


An Angel’s Touch Singing Chakra Balance

“Creatively, Consciously, Connecting to Your Energy-Body”. This exciting course teaches each Joy Coach about a Christ-Centered Approach to Wholeness via Chakra Balancing. We will learn together, “The 12 Point Chakra System”“The 12 Musical Meridians”, receive an overview of

“The 7 Auric Field Layers”, “The Circle of Joy: Five Elements for Giving & Receiving The Pure Love of Christ” and more!

We will learn about the Hypothalamus; how it regulates the Endocrine System (which is the Western World’s framework for the Eastern Philosophy of Chakra Balancing.)

To provide a basic understanding of the ENDOCRINE SYSTEM and the power of music, oils and 12 therapeutic touch points in the raising of the vibration in the chakras, meridians and auric field layers. Karyn will demonstrate a simple protocol for “Musical Meridian Runs”, an “Auric Field Brush-Down- The Shower of Light” and two Chakra balancing protocols using essential oils, aroma-as therapy, music, meditation and the 12 Point Chakra Balance.

To understand the Parasympathetic Nervous System and the Sympathetic Nervous System and how we can condition ourselves to enter a state of healing with any given time frame.

To learn how to reboot the energy centers on a spiritual, emotional, vibrational, energetic level. To learn “The Singing Chakra: 12 Point Method” and to be introduced to “The Twelve Point Chakra Balancing System for Generational Healing” (4 CD set) by Karyn Grant, LMT.


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