Arise, Daughter, Victorious! Masters Module 


Join Karyn Lynn Grant, LMT for an incredible journey in shifting our awareness
from “Victim Mentality” to “Victorious Mentality”!

Have you ever referred to yourself as “the black sheep of the family”, “the family scape goat”, “the bully”, “the sissy” or any other inherited belief about your worth and value in your family of origin?

Many of us are choosing to become the “Generational Chain-Breakers” in our families of origin.  In this Masters Module we will identify all effects of “unrighteous dominion” that have held us bound and captive to old belief systems and self-limiting behaviors that were rehearsed to us in our childhoods (and beyond).

Even if you had the “Perfect Childhood” you may have discovered that you took a bumpy ride through adolescence, your early adult years or even during your years of “happily-ever-after”!

As we learn to identify the core issues that caused us to believe that we are the “victim” (or the perpetrator) we can unlock and unblock that critical energy that has become a “Joy-Inhibiter” once and for all!

This Masters Module takes the high road after accomplishing the “Divine Essence Advanced Certification Module 2”.  It is the perfect gift to give yourself as you continuously transform those unfortunately fixed beliefs into God’s Divine Perspective of the authentic you!

Break the shackles!  Burst the cords!  Find yourself “Dancing in the Moment” as we take another look at all we have to offer ourselves and our loved ones!

Now, by adopting a whole new “I Am Victorious!” Mentality, we can release ourselves and our souls from bondage while assisting our families and loved ones to escape the old worn out, long-outgrown, inherited family “false traditions” that no longer serve us!

“Arise, Daughter, Victorious!”  follows Isaiah’s counsel to “loose the bands from around thy neck, O Captive, Daughter of Zion”!



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